学术报告: Big Scientific Data and Data Science

报告题目:Big Scientific Data and Data Science
报 告 人:Prof. Tony Hey
单  位: U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council - STFC
There is broad recognition within the scientific community that the ongoing deluge of scientific data is fundamentally transforming academic research. “The Fourth Paradigm” refers to the new ‘data intensive science’ and the tools and technologies needed to manipulate, analyze, visualize, and manage large amounts of research data. This talk will review the challenges posed by the growth of ‘Experimental and Observational Data’ (EOD) generated by the new generation of large-scale experimental facilities such as the Diamond Synchrotron at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory site bat Harwell near Oxford. Increasingly, scientists now need to use sophisticated machine learning and other AI technologies to automate parts of the data pipeline and to find new scientific discoveries in the deluge of experimental data. Deep Learning technologies are now transforming many areas of computing and researchers are now exploring their use in analyzing their ‘Big Scientific Data’. The talk will conclude with a discussion of the use of a set of experimental scientific Machine Learning ‘benchmarks’ for both training the beamline scientists and users of these facilities in the use of Machine Learning and data science technologies to exploit these methods in their research. Such benchmarks will also be important in providing new research insights into the robustness and transparency of these algorithms.
    Tony Hey教授拥有粒子物理学博士学位,他作为一名理论物理学家在英国牛津大学开始了他的职业生涯。他先后在加州理工学院(Caltech)和欧洲核子中心(CERN)获得物理学研究职位,并在英国南安普顿大学获得教授职位。之后Tony Hey教授开始对并行计算感兴趣并进入计算机科学领域。在20世纪80年代,他是分布式内存消息传递计算的先驱之一,并与他人共同撰写了获得巨大成功的MPI消息传递标准的初稿。在担任了南安普顿大学的系主任和工程部主任后,Tony Hey在2001年被任命为英国开创性eScience计划的领导者。他认识到大数据对科学的重要性,并在2003写了第一篇有关“数据洪流(Data Deluge)”的论文。在2005年,Tony Hey加入微软担任副总裁并负责微软的全球大学研究工作。他与Jim Gray以及自己的eScience研究组一起合作,主编了向Jim致敬的图书《第四范式:数据密集型科学发现 The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery》。他于2014年离开微软,在华盛顿大学eScience研究所担任了一年的高级数据科学研究员。Tony Hey于2015年11月返回英国,目前在英国科学与技术设施委员会(STFC)担任首席数据科学家(Chief Data Scientist)。1987年,加州理工学院诺贝尔奖物理学家理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)邀请Tony Hey撰写他的“Lectures on Computation”,涵盖了诸如计算热力学以及量子计算机概述等非常规的主题。 Feynman从一个“哑巴档案员”的行为出发,介绍了计算机的工作原理,这正是Tony Hey撰写计算机科学畅销图书《计算宇宙 The Computing Universe》的灵感所在。 Tony Hey是美国科学促进会(AAAS)和英国皇家工程院院士。 2005年,由于他对科学的杰出贡献,查尔斯王子授予他大英帝国司令勋章(CBE)。

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