学术报告:1.Materials Needs for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems 2.Corrosion Response in Materials for Molten Salt Application

题 目:1.Materials Needs for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
2.corrosion Response in Materials for Molten Salt Application
报告人:Prof. Todd R. Allen (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
时 间:2011年12月19日(星期一)
上午9:00(报告1), 嘉定学术活动中心307室;
下午13:00(报告2), 嘉定学术活动中心302室

Professor Todd R. Allen is a nuclear engineer and material scientist with research interests centered primarily in fuels and materials for nuclear energy systems. He especially emphasizes the areas of radiation damage and corrosion to the advanced materials for Generation IV energy systems. He is the Scientific Director of the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility located at the Idaho National Laboratory. He is also the Director of the Center for Material Science of Nuclear Fuel, an Energy Frontier Research Center.