学术报告:"Fighting cancers, how far can we go with radiotherapy?"

报告题目:"Fighting cancers, how far can we go with radiotherapy?"

报告人:Prof. Hualin Zhang, Dept. of Radiation Medicine, The Ohio State University, USA

摘要:Radiotherapy has become a standard management of most late stage cancers. But radiotherapy encounters a formidable barrier to further improve patient’s 5-year survival rate and prolong patient’s life, because patient’s radiation tolerance deters use of large curable dose. Therefore, in clinic we can only use a prescription dose which is about one third of the theoretical curable dose. In addition, because the standard radiotherapy damages too many normal cells, patients had many complications and some of them risk secondary malignancy from the radiotherapy. Brachytherapy is the most conformal radiotherapy, which causes the least damage to normal tissues if it is handled properly. Almost all US large cancer hospitals have the brachytherapy procedures. For the patients who cannot be treated with brachytherapy, our study found that the megavoltage grid therapy could provide another solution for improving patient’s radiation tolerance and sparing more normal tissues comparing with the standard external beam radiotherapy. In this talk, I will discuss these two exceptional radiotherapies along with ongoing and proposed research topics including Monte Carlo simulation, brachytherapy, radiobiology effects, megavoltage grid therapy and small animal imaging for verifying radiotherapy efficacy.

